Tuesday, August 23, 2011


bb =)

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1) Highlight the numbers

2)Press Ctrl + F

3) Then press 9

Monday, November 29, 2010

End of Nov

Its been a loooong time since i've last blogged..

So heres what has happened since then..

Delia, gone back to kuching.. But i don't think i've dreaded it as much.. Though i'm happy for her that she is happy back home with her man as she called it.. =) Halloween happened with belle, charlene, june and others too.. I think the best halloween i've had.. haha.. Without the enthusiasm of everyone it wouldn't have been fun.. Awesome awesome..

Then it was exams, the same routine again for the 3 weeks !! It was absolutely boring going to broadway to eat almost every single time we had to eat.. Made some mistakes during the exams, not really formula problems but numerical errors so just hope they don't cost me the exams.. And the last exam damn f**king f**king f**king f**king tough man, and the worst thing it was in the human movement gym with out any aircon whatsoever in 39 deg weather.. The paper was so hard that even my friend that was teaching me said it was hard.. Hopefully i come out unscathed.. Plz god let me be fine..

During my exams we had a rubbish bag in the sink that was definitely getting very full and yet a housemate who was free and all he did was just add to the rubbish and just go back to his room.. Even with the landlady coming doesn't even make an effort to vaccuum the house with his free time while others were having exams..

Anyway the day after my exams i flew straight back to Singapore.. Home sweet home =) From which i had my fix of prata and chicken rice.. Then jetted off to Hong Kong and Macau where i spent about 8 days of pure shopping and eating shopping and eating with baby.. I definitely feel fat after this trip, you can't imagine the number off egg tarts i have eaten.. HAHA.. There was the debate of which egg tart was better, and i can conclude in my opinion it is the egg tart from Hong Kong by a million miles..

And now i'm back home.. =)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Almost the end of september..

In just about one and a half weeks it will be the end of September.. An email was sent by the uni saying that exam time tables will be out in probably 2 days or there abouts?

So what has been happening since.. Assignment assignments and projects.. AHHH I hate this sem.. Delia is gonna go back to Kuching for good in like 6 days time and that is another reason why i hate this sem.. No more random lets go for dinner.. Life is gonna be boring again, go to uni study then come home and repeat for the next 2 semesters.. Sigh sigh sigh.. Why can't people that I really enjoy hanging out stay rather than have to leave.. From my first sem till now it always happens.. Why does god do this to me..

Anyways just had Search for a star 2010 and i think it was pretty fun.. This year was fun participating in it again.. Just that it was so time consuming with all the practices and assignments.. And also my slacking.. omg.. Need to really do my work soon..

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Sometimes in me i just wonder..

Why am i here..
What am i doing here..
Why do i wanna do this..
Is it worth doing this..
Why is life the way it is..
Why can't life be more simple..

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

End of Aug

It is the end of august.. I think the 5th week in to uni now.. It has been a good 5 weeks of uni so far, except for when I twisted my ankle from a tackle playing football almost 1 and 1/2 weeks back. I swear i couldn't walk properly for 2-3 days? And I had elephants leg, it just looked gross, till now the swell is still there although it isn't as bad as it was.. This set back is gonna cost me what ever stamina i built up running since i came back to perth.. Picked up learning Brazilian jiu jitsu with a couple of friends and it has been a really good experience.. Really tiring but so worth the cardio work out..

Anyways all the reports and assignments are starting to pile up and i still don't have much motivation to do them till like maybe 1 week before? I know that at one week there is still time but I know i shouldn't be doing it..

"You're my past, my future
My all, my everything
My six in the morning when the clock rings
And I open up my eyes to a new day
My laughs, my frowns
My ups, my downs
It's the feeling that you get
When you know that something's true
When I think of love, I think of you"

For you..

Till next time..